The little-known master key to getting what you truly want from life...

Only you can say what you truly want out of life. 

But no matter what you want, there is one key that determines whether you have a success-filled and happy life.

That key means you can:

Tune into the voice in your head and harness it to be your biggest supporter rather than your harshest critic.

Boost your confidence in yourself and your abilities, to do the things you want to do!

Learn how to say ‘no’ to people without feeling guilty or conflicted.

Nurture happy relationships full of fun and laughter where you get back as much as you’re giving.

Express your opinions freely and with certainty so you are heard and respected.

Feel able to bounce back quickly from life’s challenges.

So, what is the key?...

The key is learning how to let go of the crap…

And how to release the disempowering thoughts, feelings and beliefs that hold you back. The ones that chip away at your self-confidence, weigh you down with responsibility and stop you believing you deserve to have everything life has to offer.

There are thousands of coaches and therapists who can help you identify what your blockers are. 

What makes us different is not only do we use some great techniques to allow you to identify your blockers, but we also help you to release them and finally let them go  

This is the key to opening the door to deeper levels of happiness.

So many of us don’t know how to release and let go of the stuff that is getting in our way.

And as a result, you can find yourself:

Putting everybody else before you.

Agreeing to do things you don’t really want to do.

Juggling lots of responsibilities - your career, children, elderly parents and a whole heap of other commitments 

In one-sided relationships, where you’re there for them but they aren’t always there for you

Not allowing time for yourself, feeling overwhelmed and occasionally crashing

Not feeling heard or respected

Feeling pulled in too many directions and never having enough time

And that's where we come in...

We don’t tell you what your life goals are meant to look like or who you should be - although we can help you figure that out if you’re not sure. 

But whatever it is that you want – whether that’s improving your relationships, believing more in your own capabilities, or putting yourself first for a change and doing more of what makes you happy, we show you exactly how to get there.

You have learnt so much in this life but not all those things will be working for you anymore.

We help you identify what’s not working for you, how to release all that ‘stuff’ and then we share tools and techniques to allow you to rediscover a more positive, uplifting perspective.

Our 12 week programme follows a very simple 3-step process


We help you to reveal every detail of how you operate. What makes you tick at the deepest possible level and what motivates you.
You’re going to understand what influences you and what drives you. You’ll understand why you think, feel and behave the way you do and how to change and let go of the bits that are getting in the way of you feeling happy and fulfilled.

Then we

Equip you with tools and techniques that you can implement to make positive shifts and see immediate progress. 
You will see the results across all areas of your life: your relationships, your career, your health and well-being. 
And to make this sustainable

We help you re-wire your thought patterns so you can take your new knowledge and make this your default perspective. To ensure the positive changes you make become your new blueprint.
That they are long lasting and sustainable. 
So you feel confident and capable.
So you can really thrive.

Client Case Study

A client came to us with a very critical, negative inner voice. The way she talked to herself undermined her at every twist and turn. Her voice criticised the way she looked, the things she said and the way she behaved.
She had created a story where she believed everybody thought she was stupid and didn’t take her seriously. 
She described how she felt uncomfortable expressing her opinions and would often agree with others because it felt easier. 
Over the years her confidence and self-esteem had been chipped away.
After working with us she has been able to quieten that voice and believe in herself again. She now values and respects herself and in turn feels more valued and respected by others. She has allowed herself to form friendships with work colleagues and to start to have some fun.

You can choose to pay for the programme with a one-off payment of £1200 or spread the cost across 3 monthly payments of £400.
Select you're preferred option plan to sign up.

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From Struggle to Inspired

The people who follow our programme have chosen to do so for many reasons. They have been struggling at work, finding themselves in unfulfilling relationships, finding they aren’t inspired anymore or have found themselves at a midlife crossroads, not knowing how they got there or where they’d like to go next. 
We take you through several small shifts to realign you with your inner wisdom and ultimately to help you live the life you really want.
The results others have got from working with us have impacted all areas of their life, leading to more self confidence, self-awareness and the energy to achieve more of what they want.

I can’t thank you enough. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted and I was free, liberated! I feel so much more in control now and the future can be bright and exciting.

I’m so glad I’ve done this coaching course I’ve tackled things I’ve been struggling with for years, I’ve got a way to go and but it has given me the grounding and confidence to carry on pealing those onion layers.
I found patterns which seem to recur, chiefly feeling rejected, worthless and not good enough. I realised it was the relationship I had with my father when I was young, it’s unearthed a pattern of expecting to be rejected and disrespected. I can see my father was only doing what he thought was the right thing to do and that he did love me but just didn’t know how to relate to me. I can now let go of the those feelings and detach from gaining my worth from how others treat me, and worrying what they think about me.
Another biggie for me which again has been cyclical is how I view my body, sometimes I’m just about ok with it other times I hate it and don’t even feel like a female. I’m pair shaped with chunky monkey legs and skinny ish upper body with small boobs. I sometimes think I’m not attractive, at the worst times I start to compare myself with others. 
Now I’ve started to slowly love parts of me and see that my body is doing a bloody good job, it works and allows me to do all I need to do and it doesn’t even ask for any thanks - maybe I need to write it a thank you letter. 
The one thing I really need to accept and remember is that it takes time and I need to allow myself time to recover and build a loving relationship with myself. But most of all I need forgive myself continually.
I feel we all need stickers on our mirrors which read ‘you’re my best friend, you’re amazing and I love you’ 
I’m also mighty glad I met you all, you’re all wonderful and amazing women, strong 💪🏻 and beautiful and absolutely lovely 😊 I’ll think of you often, send you good vibes and pray that your life is full of love and laughter 😘 xx
I self-sabotaged my physical health every day because I didn’t want to turn into my Mum.

My Mum’s whole definition of life has been being ill. Because she has been celebrating her illness, I went completely the other end.
 I’ve avoided going to the Doctor because I don’t want to be that person who goes to the Doctor every 2 minutes.
Something just came together for me after this week. It’s just that one thought that you provoked that triggered something for me.
I realise living with these 5 or so (Physical health) things is just making me miserable. Like my cesarean scar is still sore to touch after 3 years. So, now I’m like, right I need to get this sorted.
I’ve had therapy for some of this for years. I felt like I’d dealt with it previously. But what I’ve done historically is rationalised it. I’ve thought it through. I’ve dealt with it on a transactional level. I can talk about it.
But I realise therapy was just dealing with the first layer of all this.
This week I felt all the stuck energy that needed to be released has come out.
What I have done this week since our last session is to have a Drs appointment and been referred to a specialist!!
These last few weeks have been transformational!!!"

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About us

There are lots of coaches out there.

A key element in choosing who you want to work with is whether you like them and, whether you trust them.

Without a tick in these 2 boxes it’s never going to work.

To make real, long-lasting changes to the way you think, the way you feel and the way you behave you need to hold the mirror up and take a look at what is reflected back.

While the results are literally life changing, there's no denying this will be emotional. So, you need to feel supported. You need to feel you aren't being judged. And you need to feel you can trust whoever is walking beside you on your journey.

So, before you make your decision to take that first step, we recommend you watch the videos from us below. They'll give you a feel for whether we're the kind of people you'd like to work with.

Jo's story

Jill's story

What's included?

We take an holistic approach to everything we do and this 12 week beauty is no different!

So you can expect a series of coaching videos, where we dive into a different topic each week. It's just like being in a coaching session, except we're not in the room together!

Each week comes with at least one exercise for you to do. These have been designed to put what you've learnt into action.

We're all about making life simple, so we've created handy workbooks to go with the exercises to step you through that week's ask.

There's lots of optional bonus material - these come in the form of more coaching, Reiki, meditations, somatics and other techniques to accelerate your journey to greater happiness.

Because we know it can feel a bit lonely when doing this kind of work, we run group calls every week. It's an opportunity for us to check in with you and share more insights.

They are a safe place for you to open up, if you feel you want to. Or just to listen to the other group members and hear about their experiences.

We deliberately keep the group numbers low to allow a more personal feel to the sessions.

On top of all of this, you get assigned a coach. They will be by your side (virtually, of course) throughout. So, you can ask them any questions.

Plus you have two 1 to 1 coaching sessions with your coach. These really help you understand where to focus your attention and hone on the energy you need to shift. This is when the magic really happens.

There's a full outline of the course structure below.

Course Curriculum

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